Vivir del trading: Cómo vivir del trading: Actualizando a Alexander Elder Spanish Edition Carro Meana, David; Lorenzo Caravaca, Vanessa: 9788497455640


It’ll give you a firmer grasp of the essential trading rules and skills. You can still place orders until midday on 26 April 2023 and we will continue to deliver your purchases and provide support for any order issues until 23 June 2023. From all of us at Book Depository we want to say «thank you». Delivering your favourite reads to you since 2007 has been a pleasure. A trader is a person makes purchase and sale transactions of financial items in the stock markets, either as a broker, a speculator, an arbitrager or other hedge trader. All the graphics in this book are current and full color, with comments on rules and techniques.

Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. We’re featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book. Test your trading knowledge and skills—without risking any money. You may read the best trading book, but how much of that knowledge will you retain a week later?

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