
Nhs England » Support Now

If you have a good relationship with your doctor, you may find it helpful just to know there is someone you can talk to about the feelings you are having. Your GP may refer you to specialist services if he/she feels they will help you. You can find information about talking to your GP about your mental health in our guide. If you’re experiencing a personal crisis, are unable to cope and need support. If you are concerned that you are developing a mental health problem you should seek the advice and support of your GP as a matter of priority. If you are in distress and need immediate help and are unable to see a GP, you should visit your local A&E.

However it is always a good idea to check with your phone service provider. Working alongside the P3 team are advisers from Derbyshire Federation for Mental Health. These advisers specialise in supporting children and young people and ensure that the helpline can provide an effective response to younger callers. If you have a call package for your landline or mobile phone then calls will normally come out of your inclusive minutes. We carry a range of adverts for services that may interest people with M.E.

If You Need Someone To Talk To, We Listen We Won’t Judge Or Tell You What To Do.

If the helpline team believe that you would benefit from face-to-face support, they will arrange for you to visit the service’s ‘safe haven’ which is in Derby. At the safe haven, support workers from the charity Richmond Fellowship will offer further one-to-one support. They will help you to address issues that may be affecting your mental health or making you feel isolated within your community. The first point of contact for anyone calling the helpline is likely to be one of a team of advisers from the charity P3.

Sarcoma UK is part of a caring community of patients, carers, health professionals, researchers, and a wide group of supporters. We want you to feel part of that community, to feel that you have access to other patients going through a similar journey. We can put you in touch with others in local sarcoma support groups or online support groups.

Issues Big Or Small

«I saw the number of a charity crisis line , phoned and someone listened and had time, which actually helped me.» Listening line staff will let you talk through your feelings and experiences without judging you or telling you what to do. Many listening services let you talk for as long as you need.

Here you can continue to discuss your problems in a calm, welcoming environment with people who understand what you’re going through. The app also links you directly to local and national crisis resources, with space to add in your own as well. If you are a member of the public looking for information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), including information about the COVID-19 vaccine, go to the NHS website.

Or they may put you in contact with one of a range of health and social care partners to make sure you get immediate support for your distress. We know that the pandemic has had an impact on our wellbeing, and it is possible that you may be feeling overwhelmed. We are available every day, during the hours of 10.00am-12.00pm, 2.00pm-4.00pm and 7.00pm-9.00pm. The helpline can receive a large volume of calls, so if you can’t get through immediately, then please hang-up and try again later. We deal with each person individually, in a sensitive and professional manner. ME Connect is staffed by a fully trained, and supervised, team of volunteers – most of whom have personal experience of M.E.

Support Links

If you cannot get in contact with your usual care team or duty nurse, then please call the helpline. NHS staff have been given free access to a number of wellbeing apps to support their mental health and wellbeing. Apps include Headspace, Sleepio, Daylight, Unmind, Movement for Modern Life and Liberate. We provide the same support to people with mental health issues as we do for anyone else. The Samaritans offer emotional support 24 hours a day — in full confidence. The information provided by the support line is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical care.

More About Our Listening Service

We are not able to advise people directly on their personal circumstances. If you’re in crisis and need to talk right now, there are many helplines staffed by trained people ready to listen. They won’t judge you, and could help you make sense of what you’re feeling. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience covering all aspects of ovarian cancer and its treatment. In addition, if the helpline team feel you would benefit from some face-to-face support, you may be invited to our ‘safe haven’.

How Do I Contact The Helpline? Open

Resources Resources and support for your mental wellbeing Issues Finding it hard to say how you’re feeling? We will explain our policy to you, and tell you if we feel we might need to contact emergency services to help you access support. Byron Vincent and Tim Clare talk openly about their mental health In this podcast episode friends Byron and Tim talk to each other about their mental health.

Wellbeing Apps

They can also give you helpful information about other organisations that may be able to offer you specialist support. That’s why we bring you a 24/7 Support Line which is free and confidential for anyone working behind-the-scenes. Either pick up the phone, email or click online chat – whatever’s most comfortable for you.


Our Supportline operates 24/7, every day of the year, including Christmas. If you need a translator or British Sign Language interpreter, you could ask the organisation if they provide a translation service and if it costs anything to use. If you’re a student, you can look on the Nightline website to see if your university or college offers a night-time listening service. Get InvolvedGet Involved There are lots of different ways that you can support us.

Legal Information

Text us anytime for free, to talk with a trained volunteer who’ll help you feel calmer. Our Legal line provides legal information and general advice on mental health related law. A summary of the different ways you can access help and support for your mental health.